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Comprehensive Financial Consultants, Inc. and Nordberg & VanDenBerg, Inc. are committed to protecting the confidentiality furnished to us by our clients. We are providing you this information as required by Regulation S-P adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Information About You That We Collect
We collect nonpublic personal information about you, including but not limited to, name, address, social security number and financial information from the following sources: information we recieve from you on applications or other forms or through our web site; information we receive about your transactions with us, our affiliates or others, and information we may receive from a consumer reporting agency.
Our Use of Information About You
As permitted by law, we may share information about you with certain nonaffiliated third parties, including service providers (e.g., mutual fund companies), nonfinancial companies (e.g., software developers), and others (e.g., consulting firms) in order to help us run our business, manage your accounts, provide professional services, or help us market our products and services to you. We may also share information about you with other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements. These financial institutions have agreed to treat any such information as confidential and not share such information with any other parties except as permitted by law or regulation. Otherwise, we do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about you to anyone except as permitted by law or regulation. You also may have other protections under applicable state laws. To the extent these state laws apply, we will comply with them when we share information about you. We follow the same policy with respect to nonpublic personal information received from all clients and former clients.
How We Protect Your Confidential Information
Comprehensive Financial Consultants, Inc. and Nordberg & VanDenBerg, Inc. have policies that restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees, associates and others who have need for that information to help us run our business, manage your accounts, market or provide investment alternatives or services to you, or to employees, associates and others who assist those who help us run our business, manage your accounts, or market or provide investment alternatives or services to you. Additionally, we maintain physical, electronic, contractual and procedural safeguards to protect your nonpublic personal information.
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