At Nordberg & VanDenBerg we build portfolios using a combination of mutual funds, exchange traded funds, bonds, alternative investments, CDs and occasionally individual stocks when appropriate. Today we see the potential for more risk in both the equity and fixed income markets than many commentators in the mainstream media. Because of our concerns we believe that it is critically important at this juncture to avoid over-exposure to any one sector or asset class. Portfolios which are highly concentrated carry significantly more risk of loss, as many investors experienced early in this decade when technology stocks dropped dramatically in price.
Ongoing review and analysis of portfolios takes place at regular intervals to review each position, analyzing their performance compared to the appropriate benchmark. While we proactively manage our client's portfolios we are not day-traders, nor do we "sector bet" the market. Our macroeconomic outlook drives our asset allocation strategies and helps us to determine each client's portfolio composition based on their risk tolerance and long term objectives.
"Our goal is to employ specific asset allocation strategies to help our clients achieve less volatile, more predictable returns. We closely monitor large economic trends, but do not allow daily business headlines or economic news to change our allocation strategies." - Curtis VanDenBerg: Registered Principal
Most of our clients and prospective clients have discovered Nordberg & VanDenBerg, Inc. through a referral. We work with other business professionals such as CPA's, accountants, and estate planning attorneys, who understand exactly how we help individuals and businesses by employing our asset allocation and portfolio managment strategies. Of course, our best source of growth has been our satisfied clients.
Whether you oversee an endowment, foundation, family trust or your own personal savings, we provide information and guidance to help you make the best decision for your money. We encourage you to contact us for a review of your current portfolio.